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Using the simulated business information provided, and in response to a scenario, you will prepare a portfolio of communications planning documentation that includes a communications strategy and grievance procedure.

Learner Instructions 1

(Plan and present workplace communication and consultation systems)

Submission details

Students Name


Student ID




Assessor’s Name


Assessment Date/s


The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective

You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to plan communication systems.

Assessment description

Using the simulated business information provided, and in response to a scenario, you will prepare a portfolio of communications planning documentation that includes a communications strategy and grievance procedure. You will also prepare and deliver a presentation to the senior management team on your plans for managing communications and consultation.


Part A: Communications planning portfolio

     1.Review the scenario in Appendix 1, particularly the background to the simulated organisation, current change issues, communication and consultation needs, and information about your role as Communications Consultant.

     2.Review JKL Industries simulated business documentation, including strategic plans and operational plans. Note what the organisation does, how it does it, what its goals and objectives are, and who its stakeholders and customers are.

     3.Develop a draft communications strategy for meeting organisational needs that includes:

                   a.two to three communications objectives

          least two different audiences, for example, senior management, work teams, or individual employees

          least two methods of communication or media

          least two provisions to facilitate bottom-up consultation (from employees to management); for example, consultation on employee health and safety, consultation on continuous improvement of work processes, consultation on employee conditions and pay, or consultation on job roles and performance expectations.

Note: Ensure you also provide for management feedback on consultation back to employees.

Develop a short (less than one page) grievance procedure.Submit your portfolio in accordance with quality specifications outlined below.

Part B: Presentation to the senior management team

Research, plan and deliver a 10–15 minute presentation to senior managers on your proposed communications planning.

Prepare a business presentation in response to the scenario described in the scenario. Determine and prepare to discussAudience needs and relevant interpersonal skills you will need to deploy to win support for your ideasOrganisational needsinternal strategic needs, goals and objectiveexternal regulatory or legal requirements, such as for WHS consultation, anti-discrimination or industrial relationsbusiness ethics requirementsYour proposed approach to communications and consultation to meet organisational and audience needsPrepare to explain your draft communications strategy, organisational policies and procedures, and how such communications systems and policies can support a coordinated approach to developing effective work relationships.Arrange a time and location to deliver your presentation to the senior management team.Deliver the presentation to the senior management team. Ensure you deliver your presentation in accordance with deliverables and quality specifications outlined below.


You must:

●submit a communications planning portfolio that includes:

a communications strategya short grievance procedure.

●deliver a 10–15-minute presentation on your proposed communications strategy.

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of your ability to:

●provide leadership through your own behaviour including professional conduct that promotes trust with a business audience

●explain how communications systems, policies and procedures can support the development of effective work relationships

●explain how your communications strategy addresses legislative or regulatory requirements

● interact with others through:

building professional trustdemonstrating high level support and facilitation skills and your ability to engage and motivate others

●get the work done through:

taking public responsibility for planning and sequencing complex tasks to achieve organisational goalsdeveloping processes and plans for complex communication activities with strategic importanceanalysing information to inform decisions about organisational communications strategyidentifying opportunities for improvement in communications

●develop processes to manage ideas and information including:

communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilitiesfacilitating employees’ contributions to consultation on work issuesproviding feedback on the outcomes of consultationsresolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel

●demonstrate writing skills through:

researching and preparing plans and policies incorporating appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions.

Candidate:  I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity and that I have been assessed in a fair and flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks.


Signature: ___________________


Date: ____/_____/_____

Appendix 1: Scenario – JKL Industries

JKL Industries overview

JKL Industries is an Australian-owned company, selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry. They also have a division that leases forklifts and small trucks.

The company’s head office is in Sydney and has branches in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra.


After 12 years in business, focusing on forklifts and small trucks, JKL Industries has negotiated the sales rights to a range of medium and large trucks from an overseas supplier. This opportunity will provide JKL Industries with an advantage in range over its competitors.

Sales results over the past five years have indicated strong growth in forklift and truck sales, which have averaged 10% sales growth per annum. The rental market has been in decline for the past three years due to the reduced costs of these vehicles and some taxation benefits to industries who purchase these vehicles.

Taking the sales rights opportunity will, however, entail some significant changes, including significant changes to the current organisational structure. The company will reposition itself to focus solely on retail sales and service and exit the rentals market, in which forces such as competition and consumer choice reduce potential profitability.

In accordance with the organisation’s values, JKL Industries intends (to the extent feasible) to recruit from within the company and up-skill or re-skill existing employees presently working in rentals who wish to remain with the company.

Given the company’s previous history of employee grievances over pay and conditions and current plans to restructure, JKL Industries has identified poor communications and an organisational climate of conflict as a risk to business goals.

Moving forward, the organisation intends to build and maintain a positive organisational culture, reduce risk and achieve organisational goals through:

●developing an effective policy framework for managing internal communications and consultation, in accordance with organisational objectives, business ethics, and compliance requirements

●communicating and building support for organisational initiatives and objectives

●managing information flow to:

provide managers and employees with at-hand information to perform their work responsibilitiescommunicate ideas for improvement (top-down and bottom-up)facilitate feedback both to and from employees and management on relevant work performance and outcomes of consultation.

Communication and consultation issues

An internal management review of the organisation has uncovered the following issues:

●A lack of an overarching approach to information management that helps to promote common understanding of team goals and organisational values and to build strategic relationships.

●Slow responses to internal and external customer needs.

●Slow and ineffective communication of and implementation of ideas for improved processes.

●Ineffective or no use of modern communication technologies and social platforms.

●Inadequate consultation, resulting in risks to compliance (particularly WHS consultation requirements) and too little bottom-up information flow from employees to management. This latter results in poor organisational take-up of improvement ideas identified by teams and individuals at lower levels of the organisation and by customer-facing managers and employees.

●Inconsistent application by managers of grievance procedures posing a risk to employee relations.

●Poor sense of employee engagement, empowerment and accountability for work performance.

●Poor general awareness of (and therefore poor support of) organisational goals, ethics, values.

Your role

You are a communications consultant. You have been engaged by JKL Industries to revise and update strategies and processes to manage communications and information flow within the organisation.

Note that the senior management team may be resistant to changes to communication strategies, policies and procedures. In particular, they are concerned that a new approach to communications may result in a less cohesive organisation.

You will need to ensure your communications strategy and processes address organisational issues, while using your highly developed interpersonal skills to engage and motivate the senior management team to embrace your proposed changes

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