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Well, well, well…it all comes down to this…the last item, in the last module, in the last week, of this ridiculous PCC course you got yourself into, alllllllll those weeks ago.  And yeah, it was a pain, but you actually got out of doing one additional essay you should have done….

Spaceballs quotes MOVIE QUOTES

(If you know the reference above, thumbs up to you!  If you don’t, well…it’s this page contains the last batch of obscure Cortina pop culture references you’ll have to endure, so celebrate or mourn that, as per your philosophical bent.)

If you’re here on this page, I assume you are pretty much ready to submit your final “exam” essay, but just for the sake of argument, once again here are the instructions for writing the GMO OMG essay.  Additionally, it is impossible to respond to the essay assignment without understanding and discussing the concepts of ethos, pathos, and logos in arguments.  So, once again, just in case, here is a link to the page within this module that discusses those concepts.  Additionally, if you look through the other pages in this week’s module, you will find I have placed duplicate copies of earlier pages from the course into the module so you can refresh your memory on things like thesis statements, prewriting, citations, works cited pages, being vivid and descriptive, and so on.  Browse this week’s module for any of those pages that may come in handy to you.

Berlin 2013 EXCLUSIVE: Watch the Trailer for Jeremy Seiferts Food Industry Doc GMO OMG …

Okay…if you are ready to turn in the final “exam” essay, please take one last look at the various tips and guidelines I have within the document of instructions, and additionally look through the essay itself for various things:

Did you proofread it for grammatical smoothness, clarity, and correctness?
Did you check the document of instructions’ suggestions and tips at the end of the document?
Does your paper discuss logos, pathos, and ethos within GMO OMG, and make a critique of the film as an argument, and does your paper make its own argument on some aspect of the GMO controversy?
Did you cite all your sources in the paper itself via MLA style, and on a works cited page?
Were you descriptive, vivid, and specific in detail/description where appropriate?
Does the paper give adequate background to the reader so that they understand sources?
Does your paper fulfill the length requirement or exceed it?
Do you dare eat a peach?  (anyone know the reference?  It’s not really a pop culture reference this time..had to sneak one more allusion in, though)
Is the essay as good as you can make it, and are you aware this bad boy is worth a whopping 120 points? GMO OMG: Jeremy Seifert, mpi: Amazon Digital Services LLC

If you feel okay about all those questions, then it’s probably time to upload this paper and get it off your back once and for all, and be done with Cortina’s stupidity once and for all.  Upload that file…get that “SUBMIT” button there on your screen…know that with a single push it will all be over…

The post GMO OMG appeared first on Template.

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