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US History Since 1877 Final

(I am not sure how to upload powerpoint files since all are larger than 50Mb.)

The exam has two parts.  First, there is an ID section, in which you identify the five (5) terms listed below and discuss their significance to American history based on the lectures. Second, there is an essay section, in which you must answer ONE of the provided prompts. The essay portion of the exam must run no more than 5 pages and the ID section should consist of 1-2 pages. The full exam should not exceed 7 double-spaced pages. Your exam must be word-processed and double-spaced with standard one-inch margins. Your exam is due at 11:59pm CT on December 9. No late submissions are allowed. Late exams will receive a zero. You must work independently on this exam. Evidence of collaboration will result in automatic failure. For all IDs, you may only use lectures as evidence. For your essay, you should use lectures and assigned readings as evidence. You may not use any sources from outside the course materials.

ID Section: In this section, you must: 1) identify the term, and 2) discuss its significance to American history. Your answers should be 2-4 sentences in length. All five of these terms appear as underlined key terms in the lectures. You must do all FIVE IDs. This section counts for 1/3 of your grade.

American Isolationism (PowerPoint 09, Slide 7 of 14)
Redlining (PowerPoint 10, Slide 12 of 16)
Fannie Lou Hamer (PowerPoint 11, Slide 5 of 15)
Deindustrialization (PowerPoint 12, Slide 13 of 13)
Timothy McVeigh (PowerPoint 14, Slide 12 of 13)

Essay Directions: The essay is worth 2/3 of the overall exam grade. In your essay, you must indicate the source from which you have drawn information. For example, if you include information that comes from Foners Why Reconstruction Matters or from lecture, at the end of the passage you should put in parentheses (Foner) or (lecture). You are being tested on your understanding of lectures and assigned readings. Please note that in this section, your grade will depend not only on how well you answer the question but also on how wide a variety of assigned course materials you use in writing your answer. This includes engaging with material from as many of the first eight weeks as you can muster. Be sure to only complete one of the prompts that appear below.

1.    From World War II until the final decades of the twentieth century, many Americans sought to create a true multiracial democracy and strove to break down oppressive institutions. Given these widespread attempts at social change, many historians have called this period a Second Reconstruction, arguing that these efforts brought about important changes but ultimately failed to create a truly equitable society. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? To answer this question, compare and contrast Reconstruction and its demise (roughly 1865-1900) with the period after 1940.


2.    In his farewell address in 1796, President George Washington suggested that the United States should remain isolated from the rest of the world to avoid international entanglements. After 1865, the U.S. increasingly contradicted that recommendation. How did the United States role in the world change over these 150 years? Did this change have an effect on American culture or identity? Domestically, did this new role motivate the U.S. to become a more inclusive or more exclusive nation?

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