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Student 1-The article Performance Management and Employee Engagement “One variab

Student 1-The article Performance Management and Employee Engagement “One variable that has been receiving increasing attention as a key determinant of performance is employee engagement suggest that designing the performance management process to foster employee engagement will lead to higher levels of performance” (Gruman & Saks, 2011). Similarly, to the article Performance Management at the Wheel: Driving Employee Engagement in Organizations, which describes “. . . employee engagement as having a deep and broad connection with the company that results in the willingness to go above and beyond what is expected to help the company succeed” (Mone, Eisinger, Guggenheim, Price, & Stine, 2011). Both articles support the idea that success is through employee performance. However, I feel that the first article that I commented about believes that employee engagement will not lead to higher job satisfaction. Different variables play into the different psychological processes. While the second article focuses more on employee engagement leading to those kinds of variables.
Student 2-I think the best way to ensure managers maintain ethics is to provide online and in person training. There should be ethic trainings to ensure people are being fair and upholding integral values. Personal self interests can negatively influence a person’s behaviors and how they operate in an organization. It may cause discrimination and favoritism to take place which are both very harmful. This should be one of the main priorities since it has the most potential to damage the relationships with employees. Hurting employees will then lead to reduced production, engagement, and morale. Both aspects are extremely damaging to the well being of an organization and people should be aware of these issues before they become severe.   
Student3-  Within our list of tips for managers that was provided- I discovered the final one listed has the potential for trouble within management. Have patience. As Green, Wiley, & Sons explains, “Don’t expect behavioral-change miracles after one or even several conversations with an employee. Be patient, change seldom occurs quickly. Sometimes it is necessary to adopt a long-term view.” (2013). The first question that came to mind- if this behavior is considered a problem behavior- when does HR step in? Policies must be considered and rules within an organization must be as well. Clear directions must be given, conversations must be held that inform the employee of expectations, and deadlines must be established. Yes, a long-term view is beneficial but also a manager can not be too lenient with an employee. Others may take notice as well as those who oversee the manager.
However, managers can have too little patience which can also lead to further issues. A manager’s expectations can be too great for an employee causing a tremendous amount of pressure and stress. This can lead to adverse results and low production quality. Patience may seem like a basic skill- but it is essential. Within our reading, we are reminded throughout the many chapters how leadership plays an important role in how performance management is measured and how leadership can impact the employee directly.
Student 4-  With regard to the six reasons why CP plans fail, I would argue that (1) a poor performance management system is in place and (2) there is the folly of rewarding A while hoping for B. 
A poor performance management system is in place
A poor performance management system is one that is poorly planned, designed, and implemented, and one that is not aligned with strategic goals and/or the organization’s mission and vision. This will negatively affect the accuracy of ratings and make room for irrelevant performance dimensions (behaviors and results) to be measured. A CP plan that exists in such a performance management system is destined to fail. 
There is the folly of rewarding A while hoping for B
As defined in the text, a CP plan awards employees based on how well they perform on the job. CP plans may differentiate between performance dimensions meaning there may be some that prioritize rewarding results while others reward behaviors and others may reward both. The purpose behind CP plans is to reward and promote desired behaviors and/or results that are strategically aligned with organizational goals, thus furthering the organization’s success and progress. But when a CP plan rewards performance dimensions that are not relevant in helping the organization succeed, it has already failed because employees will displaying behaviors and/or producing results that are counterproductive and possibly harmful to the organization. 
Student 5- 
I had never heard of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008. According to the text it “makes it illegal to discriminate against employees because of genetic information… as well as information about any disease, disorder, or condition of an individual’s family members” (Aguinis, 2019, p. 326). I had no idea that discrimination on such information takes place, especially in the work place. I personally have never experienced this discrimination or know anyone who has, which is why I never knew it existed. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Sadly, people are discriminated against for many reasons including genetic information, so it is crucial we have rules and regulations put in place. Another legal aspect that is new to be is the idea of  misrepresentation, which is the disclosing of inaccurate and untrue information to mislead and misrepresent someone. This issue seems like it could occur frequently as many people build friendships at work and stay in touch after leaving their jobs. This is an example as to why there are checks and balances in the verification process. Peer references are important but they can not be the only source of employee insight. This is why employment verifications, competencies, criminal background checks etc are important. 
Aguinis, H. (2019). Performance management. Chicago: Chicago Business Press.

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