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80 World History Multiple Choice Questions – Need a History Genius “

Question Description

Please answer these questions correctly:

1. What was not a broad trend from 8000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.?

specialization of labor

expansion of feudalism

development of agriculture

advanced political organization

2. Which best describes a major belief of Hinduism?





3. Which best describes the geographic spread of Islam?

Muslim forces destroyed the Persian Empire and threatened Byzantium

Muslim missionaries entered through Italy and proselytized in Europe

Islam overran Jewish and Christian settlements in eastern Russia

Islam swept through and stayed entirely on the Arabian Peninsula

4. Which was not a cause of the Great European Witch Hunt?

colonial competition

religious divisions

unexplained phenomena

hatred of women

5. Which best describes an economic feature of the Islamic states in East Africa?

carpets and quilts fashioned for export

salt and copper imported from African interior

export of cotton textiles and indigo

production of polished gemstones and pearls

6. Which best describes the influence of the Mauryan Empire?

It provided the region with iron weapons

It spread Hindu beliefs throughout India

It freed peasantry from oppressive rule

It created India’s first centralized empire

7. Which was a key feature of trade and urbanization during Roman times?

The middle class reduced in size

Great merchants became the elites of Rome

Large landowners produced crops for export

Lower skilled workers suffered food shortages

8. Which best describes the purpose for Chinese reconnaissance in the Indian Ocean?

to find an all-water route to gold-rich Africa ad Arabia

to establish new trading and diplomatic partners

to retake traditional land routes such as the Silk Road

to defeat the Ottoman Turks in their colonization of India

9. Which best describes the rise of the Inca Empire?

People migrated and settled in the desolate highlands of the Andes

Trade with neighboring kingdoms encouraged a government takeover

Missionaries proselytized and converted neighboring city-states

A series of military campaigns led to the defeat of the Chimu kingdom

10. Which was not an effect of field rotation?

abundant harvests

raised dietary protein

decreased crop exports

higher productivity

11. Which is a basic feature of a civilization?

redistribution of land to the poor

formal political organization

reduction of religious rituals

egalitarian society

12. Which best describes a fundamental Daoist belief?

inward contemplation



ritual worship

13. Which was not a common religious belief of both Sunnis and Shiites?

The teachings of Mohammed are contained in the Qu’ran

The prophet’s son-in-law, Ali, was the true caliph

Submission to Allah means by living by the Five Pillars of Islam

Based on Mosaic Law, abstinence from alcohol and pork is required

14. Which best explains how Buddhist teachings affected gender roles?

Gender segregation in worship was established

Women were considered subordinate to men

Equality for some women was restored in China

Women could benefit from spiritual blessings

15. Which best describes how the Creole culture was formed in the Americas?

Native Americans and African slaves freely mingled and produced children with a mixed ethnic heritage

Nearly all Spanish immigrants were male, so children came from unions with Native Americans

Iberian-born Spanish families immigrated to the New World and intermarried to re-create a European-style society

Peoples of pure European ancestry who were born in the Americas created a dominant class over the natives

16. Which helped establish a common Islamic cultural foundation?

The ulama resolved public disputes based on sharia

Mosques were built throughout dar al-Islam

Anti-Sufism unified people in the Islamic world

The pilgrimage to Medina attracted all believers

17. Which best describes a practice of the early Christian Church based on the Apostle Paul’s teachings?

Fasting rituals on the Day of Atonement were instituted

Jewish dietary principles were adopted and implemented

Women were subordinated to men in Church ritual

Last Supper rituals superseded the preaching of sermons

18. Which best describes the role of women in Chinese society from c. 600 to c. 1450 C.E.?

Women served as teachers and writers

Women led the backlash against Buddhism

Women were educated to be good mothers

Women helped in reviving Confucianism

19. Which was not a major event during the first two and a half centuries of the Roman Empire?

A huge network of roads integrated the empire

Caeser Augutus’s reign ushered in pax romana

Victory over Carthage ensured naval superiority

Its territories were expanded to its greatest size

20. Which was an accomplishment of Kublai Khan?

He allowed Christian proselytizing in the western part of the empire

He replaced the Chinese calendar with the Persian calendar

He reestablished Confucian-style civil service examinations

He included Muslims in the highest bureaucratic offices of China

21. Which best describes the Enlightenment?

a philosophical belief system in eighteenth-century Europe that claimed that no one could reform society by discovering rational laws that governed social behavior

a period of intense artistic and intellectual activity, said to be a rebirth of Greco-Roman culture from the mid-fourteenth century to the early seventeenth-century in Europe

late seventeenth-century intellectual movement in Europe which was initially associated with planetary motion and other aspects of physics

sixteenth-century religious reform movement within the Latin Christian Church which resulted in the formation of several new Christian denominations

22. Which was a trend in gender issues from 8000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.?

Increased trade lessened gender division of labor

A growing economy led to work opportunities for women

The rise of agriculture led to greater gender inequality

Organized religion supported the rights of women

23. Which was not a method used by medieval European states to encourage growth?

Permanent foreign consulates were created to represent state interests

Foreign imports were replaced with domestically-financed new industries

Exploratory missions were established to look for new sources of raw materials

Merchants were guaranteed safe conduct while traveling to international markets

24. Which best describes a change that Mahayana ideas made to Buddhism?

belief that people can perfect their souls over time

worship of Buddha as a god with three bodies

adherence to eight moral elements of life

living of more moderate lives

25. Which was not a development in the Roman Empire that led to the Third-Century Crisis?

defense of the frontiers draining the treasury

population decline as a result endemic plague

frequent change of “barrack emperors”

Germanic tribes raiding deep into the Roman Empire

26. Which best explains the changing expectations of women in the early Islamic world?

Women slowly saw the right to engage in business ventures disappear

Women ultimately had to be escorted in public by male chaperones

Women gradually lost the right to initiate divorce from their husbands

Women eventually had legally inherited dowry property taken away

27. Which was an economic development of the Tang dynasty?

use of “flying cash” credit

integration of northern and southern trade

importation of exotic goods for the middle class

lowering of manufacturing and export tariffs

28. Which was not a popular interpretation about who Jesus of Nazareth was?

a philosopher who wanted to restore Judaism to its original state

an inspired individual who attempted to predict the future

a politically savvy man bent on using religion to gain power

a scholar-rabbi with support from the high Jewish priests

29. Which demographic change resulted from the transoceanic encounters of the early modern era?

Native American peoples had a population boom because of the new foods from Eurasia

Global population doubled by the year 1800 as a result of readily available and widely grown crops

Iberian middle classes were reduced as a result of emigration to New World colonies

Eurasian populations were decimated as a result of the spread of the bubonic plague

30. Which best describes a reason for the gradual union of the Greeks?

to merge arable land

to increase colonial territories

to guard against enemies

to enjoy shared religious practices

31. Which was not an area impacted by the Mongol conquest?





32. During the Classical era, which development reduced the risks associated with travel and stimulated long-distance trade?

Large imperial states were constructed that bordered on one another

Merchants bypassed land travel in favor of shipping goods by sea

Treaties and agreements on trade were concluded between empires

States created large armies assigned to protect traveling merchants

33. Which was not a key feature of feudal Japan?

Centralized government was modeled on Chinese bureaucracy

Elaborated protocol and refined conduct prevailed at court

Aristocratic clans controlled affairs from behind the royal throne

Provincial lords held all local economic and political power

34. Which was a cultural similarity in both Egypt and Mesopotamia?

pictograph writing

landed noble class

monotheistic belief

few slaves

35. Which was not a key feature of the Gupta Empire?

religious toleration

trade with Southeast Asia

centralized government

creation of the decimal system

36. Which best describes the political contribution of Clovis?

He broke relations with the Byzantine Empire to secure papal support

He maintained an elaborate bureaucracy to implement policies

He built an administrative apparatus to maintain his expansive realm

He unified Germanic tribes in Gaul under his central authority

37. Which was not a significant impact of the Indian Ocean sea lanes?

Mauryan era merchants discontinued the use of land routes

Indian products found markets in the Mediterranean Basin

The Romans established direct commercial relations with India

Indonesian goods traveled west to Arabia and East Africa

38. Which was not a factor restricting the growth of major sub-Saharan states?

differing social and belief systems with divergent rituals

fluctuating climate that prevented increase in population growth

two thousand distinct and separate languages and dialects

elite culture established by imperialistic armies from northern areas

39. Which describes economic conditions in the Spanish Caribbean during the Age of Exploration?

Taino Indians were forced to work in gold mines while the Spanish exported gold back to Europe

Spanish conquerors built forts and trading posts where merchants traded with local peoples for products sold in European markets

Native islanders produced new agricultural crops on plantations, which the Spanish exploited for their own profit

Jesuit priests educated and trained the native islanders as craftsmen of European products for lower wages

40. Which was not a core objective of Confucianism?

to encourage ancestor veneration and filial piety

to restore the strong customs of China’s glorious past

to strengthen moral devotion to the high god, Di

to promote strong family units to create a strong civilization

41. Which was not a migration pattern of early humans?

founding communities in colder regions

travelling out of Africa in search of food

crossing land bridges to uninhabited regions

journeying south away from melting glaciers

42. Which best explains how Zoroastrianism was a precursor to Judaism?

Zoroastrianism trained believers to live sparingly and modestly

Zoroastrianism was the first to focus beliefs on a single supreme god

Zoroastrianism taught meditation to achieve harmony with God

Zoroastrianism focused on proper dietary precepts acceptable to God

43. Which was a political development of the Song dynasty?

A loose confederation of states appeared

Powerful local kingdoms emerged

A dominant centralized administration grew

Feudalistic warlord regional rule surfaced

44. Which was not a broad trend from 1450 to 1750 in global power?

Gunpowder empires dominated the first two centuries

Nations of Europe grew in military and scientific capacity

Europeans colonized the Americas and coasts of Africa

Regional wars led to emergence of China as a world power

45. Which was the cause of the Trojan War?

Paris enticed Helen to abandon her husband and return with him to Troy

King Priam rejected Menelaus’s and Odyssues’s offer of peace negotiations

Sparta’s army, in full force, surrounded Troy to demand the return of its queen

Achilles’s death at the hands of Hector required retribution on the city of Troy

46. Which best describes the significance of the hemispheric trading zone?

Networks of communication and exchange were established throughout eastern Europe

Systematic overland caravan trade slowly ended as maritime trade dominated

Conventional commercial trade on the Silk Roads dwindled as African routes emerged

Elaborate trade networks transformed into straightforward routes in the Mediterranean

47. Which best describes a trend in Ming art?

full development of the Chinese novel

monochromatic ink brush paintings

colorful frescoes on walls of palaces

advanced textile production in silk

48. What was not a new technology in the late centuries B.C.E. that allowed domesticated animals to transport goods?





49. Which best describes the Jewish Diaspora?

capture of the Jewish people by the Chaldeans and captivity in Babylonia for sixty-five years

division of Israelites into twelve groups or family tribes in which they rules their own states separately

uprising of Jewish slaves against the Egyptian pharaoh which led the their exodus out of Egypt into Canaan

diffusion of groups of Jewish people all over the Middle East in which they maintained their religion, identity, and social customs

50. Which best describes an action take by the Hindu kingdoms of southern India?

built a tightly nationalized empire

invaded each other constantly, resulting in chronic war

created small, loosely administered states

eliminated religious toleration for Muslims

51. Which was not an agricultural innovation of the Neolithic revolution?


fallow fields

migratory farming

swidden agriculture

52. Which best describes the role of the papacy in the Middle Ages?

strengthened the Christian church by aligning policies with secular kings

claimed supreme ecclesiastical and political authority over Europe

mobilized and defended Christian kings against pagan aggressors

supported secular rulers by conducting church rituals in the vernacular

53. Which was not a similarity between slavery and serfdom?

Slaves and serfs were both compelled to work the master’s lands

Slaves and serfs both paid rent with a portion of their own harvest

Neither system allowed real freedom of movement

Administration of justice was always in the master’s hands

54. Which was an outcome of the Peloponnesian War?

Athens was so weakened by the war that despite its victory, it could not hold a coalition of city-states together

Athens and Sparta were so destabilized by the war that Persia was finally able to conquer all of Greece

Despite its victory, Sparta was so despised for its anti-democratic policies that is was unable to unite Greece

As a result of its population loss, Sparta was unable to turn its victory into any real leadership role in Greece

55. Which was not a basic feature of polytheistic religions prior to 600 C.E.?

Many revere their ancestors or forbearers as well as believe in otherworldly beings

Female gods outweigh male gods because of the importance of fertility rituals

Multiple gods represent different elements of life and the afterlife or the natural world

Large groups of people celebrate varied gods and practice different elements of their faith

56. Which was a challenge that societies in sub-Saharan Africa faced between 3000 B.C.E. and 1000 B.C.E.?

Women were subservient to men

There was a large population growth of Bantu peoples

Arable land areas were undersized and sparse

Independent city-states were organized

57. Which was not a centralizing effort of the Franks?

created an alliance with the Roman Catholic Church

wiped out any remaining Roman authority in Gaul

ousted other Germanic tribes on the Frankish borders

abolished Roman bureaucracy in favor of tribal law

58. Which was a fundamental characteristic of the Shang civilization?

heavily urbanized areas with large populations

domination of large areas through bronze technologies

advanced shipping and export economies

success without the benefit of major river systems

59. Which is not a major principle of Judaism?

monotheistic belief

virtuous behavior

anti-slave tenet

charitable acts

60. Which best describes African architecture?

arched buildings supported by flying buttresses

low one-stories buildings for individual housing

impressive stone buildings built without mortar

long houses for communal, multi-family dwellings

61. Which was not an impact of the Agricultural Revolution on the environment?

deforestation and depletion of soil nutrients

disappearance of large species of mammals

growth of wild grains and supplies of game

increased migration to unpopulated areas

62. Which was a contribution of Hellenic culture to the world?

advanced the belief in a single god with dominion over all people

devised the world’s first written code of law favoring elites over commoners

constructed an alphabet made up of both vowels and consonants

developed sophisticated irrigation systems to increase crop output

63. Which was not a key accomplishment of the Srivijayan Empire?

embraced civil service examinations for bureaucratic elite

created architectural legacy in the Borobudur temple complex

accepted Hinduism and Buddhism from neighboring India

gained control of maritime trade routes in southeastern Asia

64. In Wealth of Nations, which economic concept does Adam Smith promote with the quote below?

“Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer.

regulated markets

colonial exports

government subsidies

free competition

65. Which was not an accomplishment of Justinian?

He launched a systematic review of Roman law that served to inspire legal codes for centuries

He initiated a military campaign to reconquer the western Roman Empire from Germanic tribes

He revitalized the empire’s finances by instituting a new comprehensive tax code for all classes

He embarked on an ambitious construction program that remade and beautified Constantinople

66. Which was a cultural legacy of Rome?

a thriving musical community composed primarily of Greek and Syrian artists

the outstanding Parthenon temple atop the Acropolis in Athens, Greece

independent city-states throughout the empire empowered to enact their own laws

acceptance of Christianity with its appeal of hops in a glorious afterlife for ordinary Romans

67. Which was not a role of women in the High Middle Ages?

to manage household work

to participate in city government

to perform agricultural tasks

to work as skilled artisans

68. Which describes the impact of slave trading?

The slave trade progressively led to population losses in southwest Asia

Slaves gradually outstripped exports of gold, silver, and ivory

Slave raiding increasingly became the leading activity in Africa

European landowners replaced serf labor with slave labor

69. Which was not a cultural change in post-Han China?

Confucianism faded while Daoism flourished

Buddhism formed the base of political unity

Nomadic peoples were increasingly sinicized

The elite adopted speculative philosophy

70. Which view did Aristotle hold that opposed the views held by Socrates and Plato?

Rule by the intellectual aristocracy is preferred over democracy

States should be governed by middle class workers and farmers

Monarchy is the most natural and reliable form of government

The best government is one between oligarchy and democracy

71. Which cultural tradition did the Olmecs and Maya have in common?

sculpted colossal human heads for religious purposes

produced large numbers of decorative objects from jade

named their kings after menacing names of lethal predators

built large ceremonial centers around temple complexes

72. Which was the role of cathedral schools in the High Middle Ages?

to prepare men and women for the hold order of monasticism and the convnet

to provide a primary education for the children of urban workers and peasants

to trains individuals for the increasingly complicated political and legal professions

to synthesize the philosophies of Islam and Judaism with Christian belief

73. Which was not an impact of the Neolithic revolution on gender relations?

Household self-sufficiency became the work of men

Matriarchy-ruled agricultural societies emerged

Women lost social standing and freedoms in society

Bearing children became the primary occupation for women

74. Which was Prussia’s motivation in the Partitions of Poland?

to gain access to warm-water ports on the Baltic

to unite the previously separated sections of the realm

to prevent Ottoman Turkish aggression in Europe

to match French holdings in east-central Europe

75. How were cultural traditions in Christianity transformed as the culture spread?

Beliefs about Jesus as a mortal human being became centralized rather than the belief that he was a god and therefore divine

Women were eventually allowed to serve as priests because of great powers attributed to Jesus’s mother, the Virgin Mary

Familiar Greek and Roman philosophical traditions were reconciled with Christianity as the educated Roman class converted

Christian worship of a father and a mother in heaven was eventually changed to the simple worship of Jesus Christ as the single supreme deity

76. Which best describes Byzantium’s economy?

A small group of middle class merchants provided the base of the em

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