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Explain how parents best deal with problem behaviors with their children via spanking, time-out or logical consequences.  How does this help develop self-regulation within children?  Support your writing with facts


1)     Which of these major sociological perspectives: conflict theory, functionalist theory, interactionist theory, or feminist theory, is the most effective for understanding our system of education? Defend your choice by incorporating an example from real life.


Explain how parents best deal with problem behaviors with their children via spanking, time-out or logical consequences.  How does this help develop self-regulation within children?  Support your writing with facts and information.  Your post cannot be solely opinion.


utilize a teaching game from the CDC and share your own results here. First, please take a moment to view this video from the CDC, titled: CDC in Action: Foodborne Outbreaks. This video was also included in last week’s course content.

Now – on to the fun stuff!

Please begin by visiting the CDC’s “Solve the Outbreak” launch page:

You can download this game to a mobile device or play it on its own webpage:

Please choose one of the outbreaks from level 2 and work through the scenario. This means you will have to achieve a score of at least 17,000 points in a level 1 game. You can work through the same scenario more than once to earn those points.


Select two of the seven basic quality tools and explain how they would be used for quality control on a project work activity.  Discuss why it would be important for the project manager to communicate change controls affecting organizational processes.

Q5 (erica)

When you are faced with criminal prosecution, you could take your case to trial, or if offered, accept a plea bargain in exchange for a guilty plea. However, going to trial can be risky since the fate of that trial is in the hands of a jury, which will decide guilt or innocence.  Most defendants will accept a plea agreement rather than taking the risk of a jury trial.

Explain a few of the pros and cons of plea bargaining for the defense attorney, prosecution, judge, and of course, the defendant? 


The correctional system has the responsibility of supervising offenders sentenced for their crimes. This includes both incarcerated offenders, as well as offenders serving sentences in the community. To reduce our nation’s overcrowded prisons, the courts have been challenged with sentencing offenders to the community in lieu of going to prison using Intermediate Sanctions, otherwise known as alternative sanctions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sentencing individuals to house arrest with GPS monitoring?

Should those convicted of sexual offenses be precluded from being sentenced to house arrest with GPS monitoring? Explain.

Q7 (erica 2)

discuss and describe what is meant by a ‘victim precipitated homicide’. In doing so, briefly describe and elaborate a bit on how ‘situational rage’ and/or ‘accumulated rage’ may be connected to a victim precipitated homicide. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.


provide an overview of the rationale as to why some view the American process of rendering criminal justice as a non-system. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.


  Who are the world’s leading practitioners of Denial and Deception? How have they developed, or acquired their capabilities? Do they share their capabilities, and if so, with whom?

  What is the influence of the twenty-four hour news cycle and the internet in Denial and Deception?


What can officers and/or departments do to reduce officer burnout?


Explain in detail what interventions or training officers should receive to reduce stress


Describe at least three relaxation techniques and how relaxation techniques interrupt the stress response.


Explain in detail how exposure to acute and chronic stress can result in officer burnout and stress.


Discuss the impacts of officer shift scheduling and officer shift rotation has on officer stress and fatigue.


The use of force by law enforcement officers is sometimes required when dealing with suspects resisting arrest and/or individuals disobeying direct orders. However, when the use of force becomes excessive or is used unnecessarily, law enforcement officers are arguably engaging in ethical, and in many cases, criminal offenses.

Describe the different types of ethical violations that can occur when excessive use of force occurs. (no direct quotes)


Law enforcement agencies are frequently compared to the military when discussing their organizational structure. The term “quasi-military” is often used to describe the type of reporting structure that exists within most law enforcement agencies.

Discuss the pros and cons associated with the militarization of contemporary police departments.


Explain your position on the militarization of police department?

Use the words “Frankenstein” and ” in the essay



Data governance programs focus on different areas based on organizational needs. Trinity Hospital has chosen to focus on the laboratory data, as a model for other departments throughout the hospital.

If all areas of a data governance program are not met, is it truly data governance?What are some key elements you would consider to establish standards for any data governance program?



American Journal of Epidemiology: 
The Journal of Infectious Diseases: 
Journal of Public Health: 
Clinical Infectious Diseases: 

You must read the full article (not just the abstract).  You may need to visit the APUS library to access the full article.  Full articles within the last year may not be available.  Resources in the Lessons provide other databases and journals that you can search but you must be able to access the full article.  Check in the APUS library to find the full article. 

Choose an article that  is peer-reviewed and a primary article (not secondary – see attached).  Identify the study type as descriptive (cross-sectional, ecological, case series); analytical (prospective cohort or retrospective cohort) or experimental: (prevention or treatment clinical trial). Define the study type as one of the specific types given in the parentheses.  It must be one of these study types.  NOTE: To receive credit for your post, the article must be a primary study that uses one of the given study designs.  Failure to choose an appropriate article will results in a zero for the assignment. Also, you must do more than read the abstract, you must read the entire article. 

1. State the type of study that was conducted (see methods section of article, it must be one of the above study types).

2. What is the research question? 

3. What was known or unknown before the study was conducted (see introduction of article)? 

4. What was the purpose of the study (should be at end of introduction)? 

5. What was the outcome and was it consistent with the researcher(s)’ original research question (see results and conclusions)? 

6. What recommendation(s) did the researcher offer for future studies (see conclusions)? 

7. Do you feel the findings and research design are real and valid? Why or why not? Please review the lesson for this week and your text book readings to understand what is meant by valid.




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