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Scenario (Story) You are a PSW at a care home. One afternoon, you hear a loud noise and rush into Mr. Smith’s room. Mr. Smith, who is 90 and is sometimes unsteady on his feet, tried to wa

PSW 0130 Communications and Personal Development

Reflection Assignment #1 – Using the “What, So What, Now 

What” Model

Due date: Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

 Student Name:                                                                                     

This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark.

Assignment Instructions:

In this assignment you will read a fictional story about a PSW working in long-term care. After reading the assignment you will think about how the PSW handled the situation and write your reflections on their approach using the “What, So What, Now What” model. 

Scenario (Story)

You are a PSW at a care home. One afternoon, you hear a loud noise and rush into Mr. Smith’s room. Mr. Smith, who is 90 and is sometimes unsteady on his feet, tried to walk to the bathroom without help and fell. He looks scared but says he is okay and tries to stand up. You know he should not be moved before checking for injuries.

At the same time, Mrs. Patel, another resident who often gets anxious, starts calling for you from her room. You can hear her getting upset, and she is now pacing the hallway. You feel stressed because you need to help Mr. Smith, but Mrs. Patel is also in distress.

You decide to check on Mr. Smith first, making sure he is not hurt, and call for a nurse to help. You also tell Mrs. Patel you’ll be with her soon. However, Mrs. Patel is still very upset, and the situation is becoming more tense. 

Part 1: What?

•        Describe the Situation:

o   What happened in this story? Summarize the events. o       What did the PSW do to help the residents? o        What were the problems the PSW faced?

Part 2: So What?

•        Why Does it Matter?

o   Why was this situation important?

o   How do you think the PSW felt about having to choose between helping Mr. Roberts and Mrs. Patel?

o   What could happen if the PSW didn’t handle this situation well?

Part 3: Now What?

•        Think About the Future:

o   If you were the PSW, would you do anything differently? Explain why or why not you would make any changes.

Assignment Length: 

Write 300 to 500 words, making sure to answer each part of the model: What, So What and Now What?

How your assignment will be marked: Reflection Assignment Rubric

1.     What? (Describe what happened)

2.     So What? (Explain why it matters)

3.     Now What? (Think about what you might do if you were in this situation as a PSW)



Mastering (4)


Developing (2)


Clarity (What?)

explains what happened and why it’s important. Ideas are easy to understand

Clearly explains what happened, ideas are well organized.





what they think without reflecting on their own biases.

Analysis (So

deeply about why the experience matters and what was learned.

Reflects on why the experience matters and what it taught

on the experience but doesn’t go into detail about why it matters.

describes the experience without explaining why it’s important.

Relevance (So

how the experience is meaningful and connected to the lesson or personal

Shows how the experience relates to the lesson or personal

to connect the experience to the lesson but not clearly.

reflection does not relate to the lesson or personal growth.

Interconnection (Now

strong connections between the

Makes connections between the

some connections but does not think

not connect the experience to


what was learned, and how it can be used in the future.

and what was learned, thinking about future use.

about using the learning in the future.

actions or learning.


Total Mark:   /16











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